Sunday 22 February 2015


Off late, I have been doing some macro photography with simple subjects like chalks, a flower bud, pages of a book etc. Taking these extreme close ups of these tiny objects has been a lot of fun.

I used the reverse lens method to take these extreme close ups of small objects. In the reverse lens method, as most photography lovers know, we attach the lens to the camera body in the reverse direction using an attaching tool called the reversing ring. I used 18-55mm lens in reverse to click some of the shots that I took. Some macro photos that I have taken are shown below:

Macro shots of chalk-pieces.

Shown below are extreme close ups of cross-sections of some chalk pieces.

Macro of Pages of a book.

Extreme close ups of the stack of pages of a novel that was lying on my table.

Macro of buds of the lantana flower.

These tiny little things grow to become very pretty florets of the lantana infloresence.

Macro of the tip of  the refill of a blue ball-point pen.

Capturing this was the most difficult of all the macro shots that I had taken.